Unpack NYS Accountability

Open to: K-12 educators

Opportunity at a Glance: State accountability has undergone a complete transformation since NY began implementing its Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Shifting from three accountability areas to seven, NYSED’s plan brings new measures, metrics, and designations for school performance.

ESSA is complex, and each new measurement is a peek into how NYS is defining student achievement and teacher performance. What do these changes mean for your school? Each module of this course will focus on an indicator from ESSA that is critical to understanding New York State’s expectations for schools, while allowing you to analyze data and create strategic plans for your school.

Key dates:  Asynchronous online course: July 20 – Aug 31. Participate on days/times of your choosing.

Location: Online

Registration deadline: 08/14/2020

Take action: https://cpet.tc.columbia.edu/exploring-essa.html

For more information: https://cpet.tc.columbia.edu/exploring-essa.html

CTLE: Yes (If yes, past this phrasing into the description: This opportunity is eligible for CTLE credits.) 

Use Existing Image: No. Please use the new image I am submitting with this opportunity.

Image Attachment: (To get the link to the image, copy the link below into your browser. Then take the link fragment right before these directions and paste it to the end of that link. Do not includes a space. https://surveygizmoresponseuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/fileuploads/572974/4735587/)

Image Link: 

Cost: $125

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Contact in Submitting Office: 

Name: Kaydie Milks

Preferred Email: milks@tc.edu

Preferred Phone Number: 2126783161