Knowing Your Students, Part 3: Facilitating Intellectual Risk

Open to: All teachers.

Opportunity at a Glance: Our previous post offered support on developing student surveys as a means to enhance classroom culture. When a classroom has a firm, solid culture, students are primed to take intellectual risks that will enhance learning outcomes. In this 45-minute professional learning activity, participants will watch a video titled “Encouraging Students to Persist Through Challenges,” in order to make connections between Components 2a and 3c of the Danielson Framework for Teaching. They will then brainstorm ways the strategies shared in the video might be applied in their won classroom contexts.

As a reminder, The Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Learning (CIPL) and the Office of Library Services (OLS) are providing free access to 70 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) eBook titles. Some titles that connect
to building a culture for learning include:

Check back for our next cycle of learning, “Defining and Supporting Engagement.” This cycle will dive deep into specific structures which may be setup in a classroom in order to achieve high levels of engagement.

Take action: Visit to access these resources and many more. As always, the Teacher Effectiveness team would love to hear about how you’re using these resources and their impact on your practice. Please share by emailing the team.