Virtual Workshop Series: Visual Culture and American Identity

Open to:  Grades K-12 Educators
Opportunity at a Glance: Join Met educators and curators in a three-part virtual series that considers parallels between artistic representations of American-ness in the 1930s and today. Art for the Millions: American Culture and Politics in the 1930s, on view this fall at The Met.  During this virtual workshop series you will do the following: explore the visual culture of the 1930s, including film, posters and prints, design objects, paintings, and other materials.  In addition, the series will highlight the ways these materials revealed and shaped American political and social identities at a pivotal moment in history.  Learn strategies for engaging students with visual media and exploring what they express about American ideals and identities.
Key dates:  Wednesdays: October 4, October 18, and November 1
Location: The Met, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Registration deadline: 10/02/2023

Take action: Learn more and Register
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